Monday, May 23, 2011

Why the Attorney General Gets Involved with Nonprofits

Bob Carlson, assistant attorney general in Missouri where he coordinates nonprofit and charity law issues, penned a terrific article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy. The article, titled Why State Officials Step In to Clean House at Nonprofits, provides case examples of why his job is necessary. And he gives some really practical advice on good governance. He summarizes the article with:

“To avoid these meetings [with charity regulators] (and the possible consequences), nonprofit board members and executives must abide by the easy-to-articulate but occasionally hard-to-follow principles of fiduciary duty: Make sure your nonprofit is doing what it is supposed to do, and always make sure you have enough information to guarantee that. Always ask questions, demand answers, and never stop pushing your organization to excellence. Otherwise, you may get to meet with us.”


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